Greenwall Foundation’s Making a Difference in Real-World Bioethics Dilemmas program supports research to help resolve an important emerging or unanswered problem in clinical, biomedical, or public health decision-making, policy, or practice. The program aims to fund projects that promote the Foundation’s vision and mission through innovative bioethics research that will have a real-world, practical impact.
Category: Uncategorized
Bank of America Charitable Foundation’s Economic Mobility Focused on the Needs of the Community has three main areas of interest: Affordable Housing, Neighborhood Revitalization, and Small Business Resiliency. Amount: not specified. Deadline: 6/21/24.
The Joyce Foundation invests in public policies and strategies to advance racial equity and economic mobility for the next generation in the Great Lakes region. The Foundation accepts applications in the areas of Culture, Democracy, Education & Economic Mobility, Environment, Gun Violence Prevention & Justice Reform, and Journalism. OFR Contact: Chloe Taft Kang. Amount: Not specified
Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research’s Conference and Workshop Grant program supports meetings and events that promote the development of inclusive communities of anthropologists and advance significant and innovative research. Supported conferences are those that are public events directed at large audiences of anthropologists. OFR Contact: Chloe Taft Kang. Amount: Up to $20,000. Deadline: 6/1/24.
The Arnold Ventures’s Building Evidence RFP aims to identify and evaluate evidence-based solutions targeting the nation’s most pressing social problems. The program will fund researchers to conduct rigorous, causal research that aligns with key AV policy areas, including higher education, infrastructure, contraceptive choice and access, and public finance. Proposals should address policy relevance, study design,
Dana Foundation’s Neuroscience & Society Pilot Grants program strives to foster collaboration between students, neuroscience and society scholars, funders, policymakers, professionals, and communities in pursuit of advancing knowledge and co-creating neuroscience-informed solutions to complex societal problems. OFR Contact: Heidi Jurgens. Amount: Up to $150,000. Deadline: 5/24/24 (LOI).
The NSF Regional Innovation Engines (NSF Engines) program creates regional-scale, technology-driven, inclusive innovation ecosystems throughout the United States by accelerating key technologies, addressing regional, national, societal, and/or geostrategic challenges, driving economic growth, creating and retaining quality jobs, expanding equitable pathways into careers, and strengthening national competitiveness and security. Amount: $15M over 2 years, with funding
The Spencer Foundation’s Large Research Grants on Education Program supports education research projects that will contribute to the improvement of education, broadly conceived. This program is “field-initiated” in that proposal submissions are not in response to a specific request for a particular research topic, discipline, design, method, or location. Their goal for this program is
The Hulsebosch Hope Foundation (HHF) seeks to provide program grants to mid-sized, growth-oriented 501(c)(3) public charities in the City of Chicago that offer creative ways to enhance life and opportunity in under-resourced communities, particularly on the south and west sides of Chicago. There are two different processes for applying for a 2024 HHF Program Grant:
The Andy Warhol Foundation Arts Writers Grant supports emerging and established writers who write about contemporary visual art across three categories—articles, books, and short-form writing. The grants support projects addressing both general and specialized art audiences, from short reviews for magazines and newspapers to in-depth scholarly studies. Amount: 15k-50k. Deadline: 5/15/24.