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Caplan Foundation’s Early Childhood Grants, Due May 31, 2024

Caplan Foundation’s Early Childhood Grants support promising research and development projects that appear likely to improve the welfare of young children, from infancy through 7 years, in the U.S. Welfare is broadly defined to include physical and mental health, safety, nutrition, education, play, familial support, acculturation, societal integration, and childcare.  OFR Contact: Catherine Cotter. Amount:

Spencer Foundation’s Racial Equity Research Grants, LOI due May 29, 2024

Spencer Foundation’s Racial Equity Research Grants are designed to support education research projects that will contribute to understanding and ameliorating racial inequality in education. Studies should aim to understand and disrupt the reproduction and deepening of educational inequality in education and seek to (re)imagine and make new forms of equitable education. OFR Contact: Catherine Cotter.

Gerda Henkel Stiftung’s Lost Cities, Due May 29, 2024

Gerda Henkel Stiftung’s Lost Cities is an interdisciplinary funding program that aims to place current problem situations facing shrinking and entirely abandoned “lost cities” in historical context. It focuses not on the question of which factors led to a city’s abandonment, but rather on the abandoned cities themselves, as well as the different forms of

Gerda Henkel Stiftung’s Democracy Funding Program, Due May 29, 2024

Gerda Henkel Stiftung’s Democracy Funding Program includes two focus areas: 1) Democracy as a Utopia, Experience and Threats and 2) Transformations of Democracy/The Contours of Future Democratic Society. OFR Contact: Chloe Taft Kang. Amount: Not specified; based upon award type and length. Deadline: 5/29/24.

Gerda Henkel Stiftung’s General Research Grants, Due May 22, 2024

Gerda Henkel Stiftung’s General Research Grants provides support for the historical humanities, in particular research projects in the fields of Archaeology, History of Art, Historical Islamic Studies, History, History of Law, History of Science, and Prehistory and Early History. Candidates can apply regardless of their nationality and place of work. OFR Contact: Chloe Taft Kang.

The Black Ambition Prize, Due May 6, 2024

The Black Ambition Prize competition provides a platform for Black and Hispanic founders across the nation to access growth capital, coaching, and a curated community of innovators and mentors. Eligible applicants consist of Black and Hispanic innovators building early-stage ventures across five distinct categories: 1) Consumer Products and Services, 2) Healthcare, 3) Media and Entertainment,

Spencer Foundation’s Large Research Grants on Education, LOI due May 22, 2024

Spencer Foundation’s Large Research Grants on Education is “field-initiated” in that proposal submissions are not in response to a specific request for a particular research topic, discipline, design, method, or location. The program aims to support rigorous, intellectually ambitious, and technically sound research that is relevant to the most pressing questions and compelling opportunities in

Wenner-Gren Foundation Anthropological Research’s Global Initiatives Grant, Due May 15, 2024

In 2024, Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research’s Global Initiatives Grant helps support innovative projects that meet a need not already addressed by the Foundation’s other programs and that benefit the discipline of anthropology by creating the conditions for anthropologists to do better work. This year, the Foundation is promoting Paleoanthropology of East Africa and will

Gerda Henkel Stiftung’s Forced Migration funding program, Due May 3, 2024

Gerda Henkel Stiftung’s Forced Migration program aims to support internationally oriented, multidimensional research projects on forced migration that address questions that link theoretical core research with concepts vital to social, humanitarian, and political praxis. Proposals that engage in comparisons across regions and time periods, as well as those that incorporate intersectional perspectives and issues, are

William T. Grant Foundation’s Research Grants on Reducing Inequality and Improving the Use of Research Evidence, LOI due May 1, 2024

William T. Grant Foundation’s Research Grants on Reducing Inequality and Improving the Use of Research Evidence are offered for research studies in two areas: 1) Build, test, or increase understanding of programs, policies, and practices that aim to reduce inequality in the academic, social, behavioral, or economic outcomes of young people (grants range from $100K-$600K