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Digital Projects for the Public, Due June 14, 2023

The National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Division of Public Programs is accepting applications for the Digital Projects for the Public program. This program supports projects that interpret and analyze humanities content in primarily digital platforms and formats, such as websites, mobile applications and tours, interactive touch screens and kiosks, games, and virtual environments.

Simons Foundation Autism Research Initiative (SFARI): Human Cognitive and Behavioral Science, Due May 4, 2023

SFARI’s mission is to improve the understanding, diagnosis, and treatment of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) by funding innovative research of the highest quality and relevance. This program prioritizes research that produces foundational knowledge about the neurobehavioral differences associated with ASD, many of which will inform or relate to the development and refinement of tools needed

Gerda Henkel Stiftung: Lost Cities, Due May 24, 2023

This interdisciplinary funding program aims to place current problem situations facing shrinking and entirely abandoned “lost cities” in historical context. It focuses not on the question of which factors led to a city’s abandonment, but rather on the abandoned cities themselves, as well as the different forms of their interpretation, instrumentalization, and coding in various

Spencer Foundation: Racial Equity Research Grants, Due May 16, 2023

This foundation supports education research projects that will contribute to understanding and ameliorating racial inequality in education. Studies should aim to understand and disrupt the reproduction and deepening of educational inequality in education and seek to (re)imagine and make new forms of equitable education. Like other Spencer programs, this program is “field-initiated” in that proposal

Russell Sage Foundation (RSF): Social Science Research Grants, LOI due May 3, 2023

RSF is accepting LOIs under these core programs and special initiatives: Behavioral Science and Decision Making in Context  Future of Work Immigration and Immigrant Integration Race, Ethnicity, and Immigration Social, Political, and Economic Inequality In addition, RSF will also accept LOIs relevant to any of its core programs that address the effects of social movements,

American Psychological Foundation: Wayne F. Placek Grants for LGBT+ Issues, Due May 1, 2023

The Wayne F. Placek Grant supports empirical research from fields of the behavioral and social sciences on any topic related to LGBT+ issues. Specifically, the program encourages research to increase the general public’s understanding of homosexuality and sexual orientation, and to alleviate the stress that lesbian women, gay men, bisexual women, bisexual men, and transgender

Templeton World Charity Foundation-Exploring Our Common Humanity in Diverse Contexts: Regional Landscaping Reviews; Due April 14, 2023

This RFP seeks to map the research, leadership, training, and partnership landscapes for the study of human flourishing in one or more of the following regions: Latin America, the Caribbean, Africa, the Middle East, South Asia, South-East Asia, and East Asia. These landscaping reviews will explore the feasibility of establishing up to three regional Collaborative

RRF Foundation for Aging: Responsive Grants; LOI due May 1, 2023

RRF Foundation for Aging prioritizes four main areas within their grantmaking programs: Caregiving, Housing, Economic Security in Later Life, and Social and Intergenerational Connectedness within the following grant programs: Advocacy: Projects that focus on improving public policy for older Americans Direct Service: Improve availability and quality of community-based services and supports in seven states (FL, IL, IN, IA, KY,

Cisco: Augmented & Virtual Reality, Deadline: Rolling

The goal of this RFP is to solicit proposals that aim to conduct research in AR/VR technologies and applications. Specific areas of research include but are not limited to the following: Infrastructure: devices, cloud, app runtimes, networking and communications Brain-machine communication and interface Immersive games, 360-degree video, volumetric display and projection technology, mobile, desktop or