American Hearing Research Foundation – Research grants for basic or clinical studies of the hearing or balance functions of the ear, sudden hearing loss, or Meniere’s disease ($20k-$75k/ 1 year)
Fulbright Scholar Award – allows U.S. academics and professionals to engage in multi-country, trans-regional projects. These awards provide lecturing and research opportunities that open doors to collaboration and foster long-lasting connections. (Monthly rate of $3.5k/3-6 months total, with a minimum of one month spent in each host country, each visit.)
Sundance Institute Documentary Fund – for development, production, or post-production of feature-length nonfiction film projects (up to $40k/1 year)
William T. Grant Foundation (LOI due)– Research Grants on Reducing Inequality and Research Grants for Improving the Use of Research Evidence to improve the lives of young people ages 5-25 in the United States ($25k-$50k or $100k-$1M/2-4 years)