The Cyrus Tang Foundation (CTF) is pleased to invite you to submit a concept paper application for its 2025 Open-Bid Project Initiatives.In keeping with its mission to support passionate problem solvers in their quest to make a
positive impact and create a more caring society, they are focusing their efforts this year in the areas of 1) Arts, Music, and Design, 2) Educator Support, and 3) US-China Youth Exchange. OFR Contact: Chloe Taft-Kang. Amount: Not specified (recent grants averaged ~$300K). Deadline: 3/31/24 (Concept paper)*
*If you are interested in applying, please contact Chloe Taft Kang as soon as possible for more information about the opportunity and to sign-up for a virtual informational session with the Foundation on Friday, February 16. Deadline: 3/31/24.